Tips & Essentials For Travelling on Holiday with a Baby

Tips & Essentials for Travelling on Holiday with a Baby
No-one deserves a holiday as much as the parents of a new baby, but even the thought of packing for a break away in the sunshine with a little one can fill many mums and dads with dread.
Travelling with a baby doesn’t need to be a stressful event though, and with these tried and tested tips from mums who’ve been there and done that, your next getaway will be an enjoyable and relaxing experience for everyone.
Travel light
Most destinations that you plan to travel to with a baby will have day-to-day items that you’ll easily be able to purchase at your hotel or nearby, so don’t feel like you’ve got to pack dozens of nappies, baby food and baby wipes into your case. Pack enough for a couple of days in case of travel delays and so you can settle in and then buy the rest when you’re there.
Do make sure you have essentials easily available in your hand luggage. You’ll remember to pack extra clothing for your baby but ensure you have one lot of extra clothing for you too as you know babies can be very messy especially when sitting on your lap for a few hours.
Multi-use items for mum and baby
When travelling with a baby, versatility and mobility are key, so pack those items that can be used in other situations to cut back on the weight of your luggage.
Mama Rules multi-use muslins aren’t just practical for keeping your little one covered against the sun during a nap in their stroller, feeding time in public places where you may want a little privacy or for popping them down on grass for an impromptu picnic. They also double up as a stylish holiday wardrobe staple for mum too as they can be used as a sarong, or as a lightweight shawl to protect your shoulders from the sun while out and about and keep them a little warmer at night.
Baby sling and pram
Keep a baby sling (carrier or wrap) under your pram when going to the airport. You can normally keep your pram with you until you board the plan but often there are still lengthy queues to get onboard and off the plain and you are likely to be carrying hand luggage for you and your baby also. You can then pop your baby into the sling once you have handed over your pram leaving you hands free for carrying luggage. This is especially handy for when you are waiting to go through security and waiting to collect your pram and luggage at the end of the flight. Your sling may also come in handy whilst on holiday if you don’t want to attempt to push a pram on the beach or even venture out for a scenic walk.
Ask for an aisle seat
Aircrafts are a noisy and unfamiliar setting for your little one, so keeping baby soothed during the flight is a must. Having a seat at the end of the aisle means that you can get out of your seat and walk a little with baby should they begin to cry and avoid you having to ask people to move to visit the baby changing unit in the bathroom.
Feeding on flights
For babies that are bottle fed or breastfed, a top tip to keep them occupied and avoid their little ears popping during takeoff is to feed them as soon as the plane starts to taxi towards the runway and throughout take off.
Not only will this calm baby and stop their ears from popping, but they’re far more likely to nod off for a sleep during the flight after a feed. That large muslin will come in handy again if you wish to cover up whilst feeding, to cover you in case of any spillages and dribbles or even as a lightweight blanket whilst they sleep.
There are no security restrictions on milk or food for babies, security may just ask to test anything that is open. If your baby is formula fed take extra with you in case of delays, the pre maid cartons as back up can save a lot of tears. Note that any pre boiled water must be in a baby bottle.
We hope this blog helps you have a little more stress free holiday where you can make life long first family holiday memories together.