It's All About You Interview With Andrea Coonrod

We are celebrating the birth of Andrea's second little girl Lennon. Andrea writes the blog Lolo's Paintbrush, sharing her journey through motherhood in all it's imperfect beauty with her toddler Harlow and now Newborn Lennon in Colorado.
Andrea completed our quick fire interview whilst she was pregnant.
My favorite evening out, look:
Anything with a heel! I love to feel tall. My husband always jokes that he thought I was 6’ when we first started dating because he didn’t realize how tall my shoes were, so I tricked him! I love wearing pretty much anything that makes me feel good about myself, with a light curl, and bold lip to top it off!
My favorite staying in look:
An overseized sweatshirt and no pants (does that count as a look?) haha
Tired mama style tip:
A little concealer & a comfy cardi can do a world of wonders for me!
Palm print or florals?
Flamingos or pineapples?
Vibrant fun colors or cool monochrome?Parenting rule you’ve thrown out the window:
Probably too many to narrow down but...letting my daughter watch her favorite shows while I try to get a few things done. I always swore I’d never allow her more than 1 hour a day but sometimes you do what you gotta do to stay sane.
Last time you had a full night's sleep (over 7 hours):
Pretty much every night since my daughter was about 8 months, but that’s all about to change with Baby #2 in February! (Send me all the coffee!)
The first thing you do once the kids hit the hay:
During pregnancy- grab a sweet treat and beg the hubby for a massage. When I’m not pregnant I grab a glass of wine most days (no shame at all!!)
If motherhood were a cocktail it would be called:
“I cant believe I just touched that...”
Has a hangover since having a child ever been worth it?! At least not that I remember.
The favorite thing your kid/s says:
“I love you mama!” Or “mama need a kiss?”
24hrs without the kid/s, what’s your plan?
Literally anything that involves being surrounded by other human adults, preferably with a lovely beverage (when I’m not pregnant of course) on a sunny day!
The essential item for motherhood you can't live without:
Baby wipes! They are a life saver for so many things!!!
Would you put on makeup to go and buy makeup wipes?
Absolutely NOT!
Most embarrassing motherhood moment:
Too many! I feel lucky enough that most of my embarrassing moments go unnoticed though. I always get embarrassed when people ask me the stats of my daughters birth and I can’t remember the exact numbers with all the pressure. I feel like a horrible parent and usually make something up haha..
Mama superhero power you would choose:
The ability to make my child ALWAYS behave in public. It’s super tough chasing a toddler down the aisles of Target in your 3rd trimester.
What do you wish you’d been told about motherhood beforehand?
There’s a lot of things I wish I knew but it’s mostly all about perception. Each of us mamas has a different concept on how to be the best for our children and I think that’s what makes parenting so Beautiful. I guess in retrospect it would be- prepare to have other people throw their parenting opinions onto you or judge you. I feel like this is something that’s not talked about very often but it definitely would have been nice to know!
Three words to describe yourself:
Oh gosh, I’ve never been good at answering this question.. indecisive, adventurous, and lover!
Exciting upcoming plans:
We recently moved back to Colorado & are expecting our second girl in February!
Why do Mama’s Rule? Because we do!
Do we really need a specific reason lol.. I think my favorite thing about mothers in general is their ability to do so much and expect so little in return! I also love that it’s a community. In most cases you can talk to any mama and have a connection just from that common factor!