It's All About You Interview with Leah Founder of Norah's Brownies

At 8 months pregnant I thought it was a bit risky to position me (a chocoholic) and the Mama Rules stall next to the Norah's Brownies stall where I first met Leah (Norah is her eldest daughters name) at a Christmas Market. Not only are her brownies delicious but Leah is super cool too. She definitely kept me entertained and I enjoyed several delicious brownies too. Her brownies are naturally free of gluten, dairy and refined sugars but don't skimp on flavour. As we are coming up to the chocolate season I thought it would be great if Leah answered our 'It's All About You' interview.
My favourite out OUT look:
Wear the Walk – Martina Spetlova, Krasimira Stoyneva and Ivanka Hristova
My favourite in IN look:
Slogan T by Milk Mutha and Mutha Hood
Knackered mama style tip:
Lipstick does wonders
Palm print or florals?
My packaging design might give it away… palm print
Flamingos or pineapples?
Flamingos of course
Cool monochrome or fun vibrant colours?
Tricky cause I like to merge the two but ill go with vibrant colours
Parenting rule you’ve abandoned:
No Dummy when they are out of bed… anything for peace and quiet
Last time you had a full night's sleep (over 7 hours):
Sorry everyone, my girls sleep through the night and my husband gets up at 6 with the girls.. living the dream
The first thing you do once the kids hit the sack:
Lounge on the sofa in the kitchen and look at Instagram
If motherhood were a cocktail it would be called:
Martini shaken and stirred on the rocks with lime
Has a hangover since having a child ever been worth it?
Yes , don’t give up having a hangover just because you have children.
Favourite thing your kid/s says:
Morning and night Norah says “ Mummmmmyy Where a youuuu ? “ it cracks me up , ( you have to be there) Lola when Im taking photos for the gram Lola says. “ If you don’t know what to do with it , don’t put it in “ best advice
24hrs without the kid/s, what’s your plan?
Eating nice food slowly, drinking quickly, laughing loudly
Essential item for motherhood survival:
Variety of bribes, you don’t want to role out the same ones otherwise they don’t work. Start small and build them up, then make them big. For example start with peppa pig then work up to full feature film when desperate.
Would you put on make up to go and buy make-up wipes?
Yeh , I like make up , I can do it in 1 minute, I look like bongo the clown but that look works for me.
Most embarrassing motherhood moment:
This is hard, But one that sticks out is when Lola stripped off in the park so I said I would take her home if she didn’t put her clothes back on . I don’t make empty threats so I dragged her home naked. Then kicked a taxi when it nearly knocked me over. Lola often says “ mummy remember when you kicked the taxi and he shouted at you ? “ Yes Lola I remember all too well
Mama super hero power you would choose:
Knowing the difference between lovely quite playing and oh my lord you have destroyed the house because I wasn’t watching you .
What do you wish you’d been told about motherhood beforehand?
Learn the art of not losing your shit and become flexible and excepting.
Three words to describe yourself:
Multitasker, Blunt, Caring
Exciting upcoming plans:
Taking on more staff , expanding and taking over the world
Why do Mama’s Rule?
Because even with a hangover we remember to feed our kids. No seriously , we are good multitaskers which works well with little ones.