It's All About You interview with City Run Mum aka Lisa Lindsay

Lisa writes the blog City Run Mum where she enjoys sharing her style tips as a mum working in the city. It's a form of escapism as she can enjoy talking about the more glamorous side of her life such as buying investment shoes and handbags compared to her more 'comfortable 'mama clothing that is more practical to wear on toddler days. We love her style and were in ore of how she styled our tropical muslin/sarong on holiday. Her blog is a great read and includes a working mum interview section. Enjoy Lisa's It's All About You quick fire interview.
My favourite out OUT look:
Without a doubt a maxi dress for summer and leather trousers and knit for winter
My favourite in IN look:
Joggers and t shirt. I’m not the sort of person to laze around in jeans at home. They are too uncomfortable when sitting on a floor playing with a toddler. And I’m all about comfort in my own home! :)
Knackered mama style tip:
Blusher! My ultimate make up tip. Brightens up any complexion. If I was stranded on a desert island this would also be the one item of make up I would take with me.
Palm print or florals?
Palm print all the way.
Flamingos or pineapples?
Flamingos - I had a bit of an obsession last summer which has now rubbed off onto my daughter - yikes!
Cool monochrome or fun vibrant colours?
I actually love both. Monochrome for winter and vibrant colours for summer. There’s also a time and place for both of them. I tend to tone it down slightly in the office.
Parenting rule you’ve abandoned:
Screen time. Whilst my daughter doesn’t really watch a lot of TV, every now and then I let her. For example if I need 10 minutes to get ready in the morning or to cook dinner in the evenings.
Last time you had a full night's sleep (over 7 hours):
Oh every night actually. My daughter is a very good sleeper (she was terrible as a baby if that’s any consolation!). But she literally doesn’t wake up until 8am most days, and I have to wake her to take her to nursery!
The first thing you do once the kids hit the sack:
Usually dinner for myself and my husband, rather boring I know. Then tidy up the mess that a toddler makes all day!
If motherhood were a cocktail it would be called:
Shaken not stirred
Has a hangover since having a child ever been worth it?
Definitely not!
Favourite thing your kid/s says:
I love you mummy
24hrs without the kid/s, what’s your plan?
City break!
Or if in London, I would go for a spa day and dinner with my husband!
Essential item for motherhood survival:
Water wipes - even now I take them everywhere
Would you put on make up to go and buy make-up wipes?
No definitely not
Most embarrassing motherhood moment:
My daughter opening the door whilst I was on the toilet in the local park! In total view of everyone and she didn’t give a damn! There were also lots of people waiting! The joys!
Mama super hero power you would choose:
To give every baby and child a healthy life.
What do you wish you’d been told about motherhood beforehand?
That you will never get more than 3 hours sleep in a row for the first 6 months of the baby’s life. However, that is counteracted by the fact that you will also never have felt so much love for someone else in your life. This still amazes me everyday.
Three words to describe yourself:
Organised (to the point of OCD)
Exciting upcoming plans:
Lots more Working Mum interviews over on CityRunMum I love sharing these and hearing so many individual stories. Also so many more style updates coming for spring/ summer. And I cannot wait to go on holiday as always!
Why do Mama’s Rule?
Because we are the unsung hero. We work harder than most to raise our children into amazing little humans. We multitask to the max, we put our children before anyone and everything else and we love unconditionally - even when they drive us to insanity. Our hearts are huge, our heads are full of knowledge, and we never give up. Ever. There’s a famous quote that I love about motherhood which is “life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother”. I don’t think this could be any more true.