It's All About You Interview with Heidi Jo Wells AKA Occasionally Perfect

Heidi's beautiful blog Occasionally Perfect is heart warming and honest as she describes how she used to write about fashion, weddings and travel but since becoming a mother to her little boy she now shares how her life has changed from being a high powered fashion exec to a stay at home Mom. Heidi describes the struggles altering to her new role but the love and fulfilment she has gained from raising her little boy also. We find out more about this California Mama via our It's All About You Interview which Heidi has also shared in the most stunning way on her blog
My favorite evening out, look:
Tight Jeans (to suck in all the giggly parts), booties and a flowy top. (gotta hide that mama pooch, ya know?) I always accessorize so that I can dress up any outfit to make it more of an evening look.
My favorite staying in look:
I could literally live in sweatpants, every day all day. I own over 50 pairs of sweats (even before I was a mom) so you could say I'm a real comfy junkie.
Tired mama style tip:
Truth, my style since becoming a mom is all about the hats, sunglasses and dry shampoo! Gotta hide the sleepy eyes and wrinkles with sunglasses and the 5-day dirty hair with a hat. I also always wear mascara, for some reason it makes me look more awake, even if it's the only makeup I put on.
Palm print or florals?
I've never been a girly girl, I don't even think I own anything pink. So, I've gotta go with the Palm print. It just seems more fitting since I'm a boy mom but if I had a girl, I would for sure be easily persuaded to fill that nursery with oversize floral everythang.
Flamingos or pineapples?
Easy. Pineapples. You can't put Flamingos in a cocktail, right?
Vibrant fun colors or cool monochrome?
I'm for sure the monochrome kinda girl. My entire closet is white, brown, gray, black and tan.
Parenting rule you’ve thrown out the window:
No technology. The only way we are able to eat out is to give the dude the iphone. Pick your battles, right?
Last time you had a full night's sleep (over 7 hours):
(all the mamas who had a hard time with sleep, go ahead and skip this one). My guy has been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old. He is the best little sleeper ever. Now, that doesn't mean I sleep. I'm usually up late scrolling my 52k photos, Instagram or pinning. This mom's brain doesn't turn off.
The first thing you do once the kids hit the hay:
What we all do, pour that glass of wine.
If motherhood were a cocktail it would be called:
A hangover that's worth it. (BTW, I didn't read the next question before writing that answer...)
Has a hangover since having a child ever been worth it?
Nope. Pretty sure that's not possible.
The favorite thing your kid/s says:
He's 22 months and he just started to ask me to cuddle. It's the best when he grabs our favorite blanket, and runs over to me and says "cuddle mommy."
24hrs without the kid/s, what’s your plan?
Go to the most non-kid friendly restaurant, eat and drink way too much, binge watch something and fall asleep too early. Sleep in until at least 9 am...if my body will let me.
The essential item for motherhood you can't live without:
For the baby- dokatot. For mama- wine.
Would you put on makeup to go and buy makeup wipes?
That's basically asking if I wear makeup to go to Target. And that answer is no, it's always no.
Most embarrassing motherhood moment:
Ran to Trader Joes to grab one onion. Finn was about 3 months old, I didn't grab the diaper bag cause I was only going to one quick thing. He wasn't even big enough to ride in the cart yet so I had to hold him. As I got in line, the college student who was ringing us up, just started laughing at me, because he had poop running out of his diaper and all over my shirt. Needless to say, I never leave home without the diaper bag now.
Mama superhero power you would choose:
The ability to take away all the pain when they fall or get hurt.
What do you wish you’d been told about motherhood beforehand?
To travel more, to go out more, to do more. As a first-time mom, I was scared to do anything. I can't go eat, cause I would miss a nap or his bedtime. Flying on a plane with a baby seemed so scary! But. the truth is, it only gets harder to do things as they get older.
Three words to describe yourself:
Honest, Caring, Driven
Exciting upcoming plans:
In short, the best thing that's happening currently for my family is that we have plans to move back to Southern California to the beach where I spent my whole life. 3 years ago we moved to Northern California and the transition has been so tough for me. I can't wait to raise my little one where I grew up near the ocean.
Why do Mama’s Rule?
It's hard to explain but the moment you become a mother its sort of like the person you were before that is gone. Nothing is the same, in so many good ways, and some I don't quite understand. But, I know I wouldn't be the person I was meant to be unless I was a mom. As a mom, I am more confident, more aware, more patient, more secure, and more content than I have ever been in my life. Somedays are harder than others, some days test all your patience. But for us mamas, we've got this. Every single thing, no matter how challenging or hard, we will find a way to make it happen. I didn't know just how strong I was until I became a mom.