It's All About You Interview With The Fashion Bug Blog

A huge congratulations to Laura Willis aka The Fashion Bug Blog on the birth of her second daughter Anoushka. We have been following Laura and admiring her stunning maternity style, we want her wardrobe. We were lucky enough that Laura took the time just prior to her cute arrival to complete our light hearted 'It's All About You' Interview.
My favourite out OUT look:
A wow dress and a great pair of heels.
My favourite in IN look:
sweatpants - I live in Sundry ones.
Knackered mama style tip:
Big sunglasses and statement jewellery.
Cool Monochrome or vibrant fun colours:
Depends on my mood and where I am. For holidays I wear a lot more colour whereas in London my looks are more monochrome.
Palm print or florals?
Florals all the way.
Flamingos or pineapples?
Parenting rule you’ve abandoned:
So far doing pretty well on not abandoning the rules but we are about to have number 2 and everyone tells me you relax about rules!
Last time you had a full night's sleep (over 7 hours):
hahaha probably not since before my first was born so around 17 months ago! My daughter sleeps really well but since becoming a mother I don’t. I’ve only ever spent a few nights away from her but I sleep even worse when I’m not with her as I worry. I’m generally pretty chilled as a mum but hate being away from my daughter. I’m due with my second in 6 days so sleep hasn’t been great for a while.
The first thing you do once the kids hit the sack:
spend some quality time with my husband. Have chats and catch up.
Has a hangover since having a child ever been worth it?
Not really. I think I had one hangover in between my pregnancies and the next day the struggle was so real that it just wasn’t worth it!
24hrs without the kid/s, what’s your plan?
Go to a spa! And have a nice dinner out.
Essential item for motherhood survival:
Would you put on make up to go and buy make-up wipes?
Depends on the time of day! First thing in the morning I tend to go makeup free and just cover my face in sunglasses.
Most embarrassing motherhood moment:
I really didn’t understand that you had to wear breast pads when my first was born. I had an awful milk leakage situation but in hindsight it was just very funny.
Mama super hero power you would choose:
freezing time! Your kids grow up way too fast and I wish I could just pause for a little.
What do you wish you’d been told about motherhood beforehand?
Honestly I quite like the fact that I didn’t know that much beforehand. I’m the kind of person that learns things as I go along and even if someone did tell me something I probably wouldn’t have listened. You really cannot understand the love you feel for your child or equally the challenges you can face until you become a mother yourself.
Three words to describe yourself:
loyal. Stubborn. Feisty.
Exciting upcoming plans:
Giving birth to number 2! Definitely my most exciting plan.
Why do Mama’s Rule?
Because they are literally superwomen! We are capable of so much - from carrying a child, to giving birth to raising children. Mamas are amazing.