It's All About You Interview With Obsessed By Portia

Portia Smith, Mom of two based in Seattle writes her blog Obsessed by Portia. The blog covers the best in beauty, fitness, style, motherhood and travel. Portia aims to inspire others to channel your inner superwoman to find your passion and be adventurous.
To find out more about Portia we challenge her to honestly answer the Mama Rules 'It's All About You Interview'. Sometimes it's ok to focus on you for a change.
My favorite evening out, look:
A dress (most likely black). I feel most comfortable whether it’s date night or girls' night in something fun, flirty and paired with heels!
My favorite staying in look:
I have an oversized pair of black sweatpants that I could literally LIVE in! Best when paired with a glass of wine.
Tired mama style tip:
A hat can do WONDERS for those tired mama eyes (shall we call it ‘mama camo?’) Throw on your favorite fall floppy or baseball cap and your style is safe until bedtime. :)
Palm print or florals?
I am insanely drawn to both…but if I had to choose - palm print…you can see why HERE!
Flamingos or pineapples?
Flamingos! I actually shared a post this summer on ‘How To Wear Flamingo Print!'
Vibrant fun colors or cool monochrome?
Both! I typically steer towards black…however, I’ve never met a hot pink I didn’t like.
Parenting rule you’ve thrown out the window.
Finish your plate. We DO NOT follow this time old tradition. If they’re hungry, they'll eat. If they’re not…it’s bath and bedtime!
Last time you had a full night's sleep (over 7 hours):
Last night! I am a huge advocate for mamas making sleep a priority! I’m happy to say I average 7-8 hours every night! I used to stay up late, really diving into that coveted ‘alone time’ when the rest of the house sleeps. But I soon realized I felt groggy and unproductive the next day…so that habit had to go!
The first thing you do once the kids hit the hay:
Chat with my husband! Finally a few minutes alone to catch up! Then I check a few things on social media, followed by a quick show on Netflix, then bed!
If motherhood were a cocktail it would be called:
Amazing Chaos
Has a hangover since having a child ever been worth it?
Well…maybe a few times. Sometimes it’s nice to really let loose and enjoy a nigh out…but I definitely limit ‘over consuming’ since I have zero time for recovery...
The favorite thing your kid/s says:
Mama…I love you. I want to be a blogger like you when I grow up. You’re the best mom in the whole world. I want to live with you forever.
24hrs without the kid/s, what’s your plan?
WORK WORK WORK! I would literally spend the entire day in Starbucks catching up on emails and blog posts!
The essential item for motherhood you can't live without:
I need it all…but my calendar is my right hand gal! I couldn’t keep up without her.
Would you put on makeup to go and buy makeup wipes?
Nope! I try to stay bare-faced as much as possible, only wearing makeup for meetings, events, photos, etc. I believe our skin needs to breathe...
Most embarrassing motherhood moment:
Birth. You know what I’m talking about.
Mama superhero power you would choose:
To make time stand still.
What do you wish you’d been told about motherhood beforehand?
Nothing. You can’t really comprehend motherhood until it actually happens. And then you learn along the way.
Three words to describe yourself:
Energetic, Outgoing, Personable
Exciting upcoming plans:
We’re heading to Whitefish, Montana in December via Amtrak! It will be a first for our family and we’re looking forward to the adventure!
Why do Mama’s Rule?
Mama’s Rule because we have the magical power to literally do it all, whether we think it’s happening or not. We work 24 hours a day, manage multiple schedules, feed, clothe, bathe tiny little humans…and still manage to stay inspired in our own personal ambitions. Being a mama has been the most challenging, yet incredible experience I have been blessed with…I’m thankful for this wild ride!